Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bioshock: Completed and Creeped the Hell Out!

While it's been a while since I've been able to cross a game off of my list, I finally have completed another game, and it was a doozy - Bioshock (XBOX 360)!

Gameplay (9.5/10):
This has to be one of the most unique first-person shooters (FPS's) that I've played, by far. The 'plasmids' bring a thick layer of strategy to the FPS table, and the fact that you have to be mindful of your ammo / health is a big plus in my book. Sure, it is easy to basically use 'save states' whenever you are about to enter a big battle.. but that never takes away from the difficulty and inherent creepiness of this extremely stylized game. At almost every turn there is something that is VERY VERY creepy and it really keeps you on your feet.

Graphics / Style (10/10): The art deco retro feel to this game really adds to every aspect of the game. The music, the technology, the weaponry, the setting and even the characters all feel torn right out of 1955. I not only was impressed by the style, but most of the time I was in awe of each new environment and what was able to be 'created' not only all indoors, but completely underwater. While it was always 'dark' you never really felt confined or bored with the surroundings.

Story (9/10): This game has a very unique story with a big unexpected twist that really makes you think about what you've done up to that point. (However, after the twist, the rest of the story is predictable.) The theme of Good vs. Evil is strong in this game and the lines between the two are blurry, but if you do what feels 'right' you'll get the better ending. I won't spoil anything, but this game may be worth another play through to get to the other ending and to catch things that you didn't catch on the first play through (especially before the twist).

SOB Scale (7/10): While not the toughest FPS that I've played, it's the style and the story that really make this game worth your 20+ hours. I spent a good amount of time exploring every corner of Rapture just to make sure I didn't miss anything that looked cool or uber-creepy, and I suggest you do the same!

Overall Score (9.5/10): - One of the most fun, eye-opening, and creepy games that I've ever played and it's going to take a pretty good showing to overtake this as one of the top 3 FPS's that I've played.

Pro Tip: The 'save' is your friend in this game. While at times it may feel like you've saved too much, it really doesn't take anything away from this game. Not saving leads to you losing Health and "EVE" which can lead to frustration, spoiling your enjoyment of the game. (Also, ALWAYS take out your best weapon and turn around immediately after picking up ANY easy-to-find tonic!)

1 comment:

  1. BTW - The SOB Scale factors into the review, but not as the number 7/10 in this case. I consider 5-8 to be the 'sweet spot' for toughness, which is what the SOB Scale measures. Anything less, and the game is too easy, brining down the score, anything over 8 can just be frustrating.

    Therefore, a SOB Scale score of 5-8 will be around a 8-10 on a 'normal' scale. But the overall score is more of a 'big picture' score compared to other games anyways.. all opinion.
