Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Well, it's been a long couple of weeks and I haven't made enough room in my life for video games, so it's time to get back into it in a big way... BIOSHOCK. (The NES was putting me to sleep, so it's time for a bit of a change of pace.)

So far I'm already a couple levels in and while not the 'scariest' game that I've played, it is creepy as hell and half the time I'm not sure whether I'm coming or going... which is a good thing.. linear gameplay presented in a non-linear fashion.

If anyone has any tips for me to get through this game in one piece, let me know. So far I have the Electro-Plasmid, the Incinerateo-Plasmid, and the Moveothingswithmymindo-Plasmid.

I've decided to 'take the high road' and to not 'harvest' the little creepy girls who have a thing for the large metal men.. but if I get desperate I may eat a couple of them. (That is what he does to gain their power, right?.. I'm pretty sure it is.)

I'll be posting periodic updates via Twitter - @vgbucketlist - whenever I play, so keep an eye on that for entertaining musings about BIOSHOCK and how badly Big Poppa & company are destroying my ass.


  1. Electroshock and wrench can get you a long way. The move stuff with your mind plasmid is pretty cool I used it a lot with compressed gas tanks. Just have fun with it! There are a million roads you could take.

  2. Just gotta find out how I can get another slot free for another plasmid... I have a feeling that comes later..

  3. don't bother harvesting, you getting plenty of adam without it and a much better ending.
